yellow there, hari ini really a sad day. From BMers I know "Teh Inong" is sick. so many expression posted. I was curious, but I let my day flow until I kinda open google and typed Teh Inong blogs instead of looking for the cumputer supplier..Paul looking for DOPOD, but I couldnt find glodokshop. Teh Inong blogs opened, and I read..read and I read... oh my.... I could not hold the tears. Zidan and Shifa still very young. last time I heard the docter said they pecimistic for Inong recovery. Otaknya sempet gak dapet oksigen beberapa saat. Ya Allah sembuhkan Inong, Ya Allah. Anak2 masih butuh bimbingan ibunya.... Inong, you are a multy-talented mother. I amaze. God Bless you, bunda! God bless you...... Your blogs insipires me to create a journal of my self so my children will always have the record and good memory of every moment.... Devita pun sebenernya sempet "ngompor"i pembuatan blogs fetty tapi setelah hari ini, keinginan untuk merecord itu sangat sangat menggebu..... Nadine dan Azka this is for you my precious....